Faithlife Study Bible
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Introduction to 1 Peter

First Peter is about maintaining hope in the midst of suffering. Because Jesus Himself suffered, and because God can be trusted to put all things right, Peter counsels believers to maintain their faith in Jesus. Believers should do so even when they are being persecuted, mocked, and misunderstood; they should also imitate Jesus by enduring unjust suffering with grace. Hardships are bound to come in this life, but they do not have the last word.


The author of 1 Peter identifies himself as the Apostle Peter and a witness of the sufferings and resurrection of Christ (1 Pet 1:1; 5:1). The early church widely accepted this view. However, there is some modern discussion about whether the letter’s content reflects a later period; this would indicate that one of Peter’s associates compiled the letter based on his teachings.

The recipients of 1 Peter are identified as God’s people scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia (1:1)—all regions of Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). The letter seems to have been written to encourage Christians in these regions as they faced localized ostracism and persecution in reaction to their distinctively Christian perspective on social relationships and ethics.

The letter probably was written from Rome. First Peter 5:13 conveys a greeting from Babylon—a metaphorical reference to the capital city of the Roman Empire (see Rev 17:5, 9). If Peter was the author, the letter must have been written sometime before the mid-60s ad. According to tradition, Peter was martyred in Rome around that time, during the persecution of Christians under the emperor Nero.


Like other ancient letters, 1 Peter includes a formal greeting (1 Pet 1:1–2) and closing (5:12–14) that frame the main message. Immediately after the greeting, Peter thanks God for the salvation and hope that He has provided (1:3–12). Peter then urges readers to be holy in everything they do (1:13–2:10).

The next section gives practical advice about living as Christians, particularly when it comes to navigating authority (2:11–3:12). Peter also addresses the hardships of his readers, saying that they are to follow Christ’s example in endurance of suffering (3:13–4:19). The main part of the letter concludes by encouraging believers’ conduct to model humble obedience to Christ (5:1–11). This is followed by some closing remarks.


• Salutation and thanksgiving (1:1–12)

• Exhortation to holiness (1:13–2:10)

• Living as Christians in the world (2:11–3:12)

• Living with persecution (3:13–4:19)

• Appeal to elders and final greetings (5:1–14)


The thanksgiving section of 1 Peter (1:3–12) sets a tone of encouragement that runs throughout the letter. The readers are meant to see their difficult circumstances through a lens of hope, looking to Christ for strength. Peter knows that those who choose to follow Christ are no longer completely at home in this world. They are foreigners—not yet out of this world, but not fully part of it any longer (2:11). They are set apart as God’s holy priesthood, part of the temple that has been built on Christ the cornerstone (2:4–5). As such, they should not be surprised if the world does not understand them—or in some circumstances even persecutes them.

But Peter’s solution is not for Christians to remove themselves from the world. Instead, they are to follow Jesus’ example by enduring persecution without protesting (2:19–21). Not only that, but the patient endurance of opposition and mocking might cause the persecutors to see Christian faith in a new light (2:12, 15). The believers are to show faithfulness and courage by remaining within the world that doesn’t understand them, not by seeking to resolve that tension by running away.

Christians can place their faith in God, who will restore them in the end (5:10). Just as Jesus suffered and then triumphed, so Christians are to persevere, knowing that they have a living hope that will be made visible when Jesus returns (1:3–7). Followers of Jesus should expect to feel like strangers on this earth—and precisely within their hostile environment, they are called to embrace every opportunity to speak and act in honor of Christ, the one who, by His suffering, reconciled all people to God.

Further Reading

Peter, First Letter of CLBD

Peter the Apostle CLBD


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