Faithlife Study Bible
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Mission in the Biblical Narrative

God’s mission is one of the central themes that propels the narrative of Scripture.

God’s mission, of course, begins with God, who creates (Gen 1). It then moves toward the formation of Yahweh’s chosen people, Israel. As recipients of God’s covenant and commandments (Deut 5:1–6:9; Mark 12:28–34), Israel is charged by Yahweh with the mission to live as a blessing to the nations (Gen 12:1–3; Acts 1:7–8). The definitive event in God’s missional activity is the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ whose life, teachings, and deeds proclaim the reign of God. Jesus’ death and resurrection atone for all that separates people from God (Gal 3:15–4:7). Following Christ’s ascension, the Holy Spirit empowers Jesus’ followers to live their calling as missional participants with God (Acts 1:1–11). As such, the Church comes into being (Acts 15)—serving a reconciling role (2 Cor 5:11–21). Christians are charged with the task of seeking God’s will on earth (Matt 6:9–15). As the narrative of God’s redemption through Christ, the Bible ends with God’s restoration of all creation (Rev 21–22).

Mission of God (missio Dei)

The mission of God finds its origin in God’s loving character; God freely creates and then works to redeem creation. God’s mission is oriented toward God’s kingdom, as Jesus proclaims it (John 3:16–21; 17). The God of Scripture is a missionary God, whose mission involves the establishment of a universal reign on earth (Matt 6:9–15).

Mission of Humankind

From the very beginning, we see humanity included in the mission of God (Gen 1:27–31; 12:1–3; Matt 28:16–20). God delegates the authority to work and to take care of creation to humanity; the care and stewardship of creation is necessary for all who participate in God’s mission.

Mission of Israel

The biblical narrative continues against the backdrop of sin’s entrance into the story (Gen 3) as God forms a distinct people with a mission to be a blessing to the nations (Gen 12:1–3). In Israel, God chose a people to embody the divine purposes for creation and so be a light to the nations. The Old Testament, in many ways, narrates the history of Israel’s response to this divine calling.

Mission of Jesus Christ

In Jesus, the mission of God was fully enacted. Jesus served as the agent of God’s salvation to the ends of the earth (Luke 24:40–49). Jesus took upon Himself Israel’s missionary vocation (Matt 5:17–20). He clearly asserted that His will was to do the will of His Father; the Father’s mission determined Jesus’ mission (John 4:27–38). Jesus embodied the mission of God, making it radically visible to humanity. In Jesus’ obedience, even to death, the mission of God reached its climax (2 Cor 5:19). By accomplishing God’s purpose for humanity and conquering sin, Jesus made salvation freely available to everyone. When His earthly ministry was over, He left His followers with the mandate to continue the mission He inaugurated and established (Matt 28:16–20)—by sharing the good news of what He had done, making disciples of all nations.

Mission of the Church

Sent to the world to preach Christ (Acts 1:7–8)—by and with the authority of the Triune God (Matt 28:16–20)—the Church’s mission is to bear witness to God’s reign through the proclamation of the gospel in various forms: through loving communion within the Church (1 Cor 12–14), humble service within and outside the community of faith, prayer and worship of God, signs and wonders that point toward the restoration of all things, and through forming disciples of Jesus (2 Cor 5:11–21; Eph 4:1–5:21).

Christians commit to participating in God’s purposes, for the redemption of humanity and, in many ways, creation itself (Gal 6). All authority for missional engagement comes from God, and congruence with the Bible’s account of mission is the rubric for discerning faithful missional expression (John 15).

Mission as God’s Calling to Us

In our own time—standing as we do between Pentecost (Acts 2) and the return of Christ—our central task as God’s people is to live united in the love of other people and God, through Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit. God’s mission is about salvation; it is about reconciliation with God, one another, and all creation—through Christ. Mission is about God’s will being fully realized. God graciously invites us to actively participate in this realization.

Dwight J. Friesen

Further Reading

Spreading the Good News of Jesus

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