
Mark is unavailable, but you can change that!

Understood today as the first written gospel, Mark seems to be the most direct and straightforward account of Jesus’ life. In his verse-by-verse commentary, Ralph P. Martin brings out the power of this eminently practical and persuasive Gospel. Martin emphasizes how Mark’s Gospel is a story of action—as encouraging and compelling today as when it was written.

This section is the third and final prediction of the Passion, and it is the most detailed. Jerusalem is set as the final destination of the journey, for a reason given elsewhere (Luke 13:33). Jesus set his face to the last, fateful journey to the holy city and to his rendezvous with destiny. “The objective is to be Jerusalem; and to go to Jerusalem is to face a violent death” (C. H. Dodd, The Founder of Christianity, p. 139). Mark’s account of the fate awaiting
Mark 10:32–45